...POTTY TRAINING... Potty Please!”

“POTTY PLEASE!… Is Not Just Another Gimmick-Filled, Money Stealing Guide! It’s A Simple But Proven Solution To Having Your Toddler Potty Trained Early, Quickly, And With The Least Stress For Both You And Your Child…”

Over 90% of the so called MIRACLE potty training programs are hoaxes and will merely just loot your pockets without any real results. Fortunately “Potty Please!” will change all that. Unlike other unrealistic guides that promise you miracles upon miracles, “Potty Please!” will give you access to proven tips and techniques that potty training experts from the world over don’t want you to know. Below are just a fraction of the things that you will be able to learn/do using this guide…

You will be able to completely Say good-bye (Forever) to costly diapers, baby wipes, sticky ointments and creams in less than a week. Just imagine how exciting and fun it will be for you to totally forget the smell and hassle of diaper changing.
You will be able to save hundreds or even thousands of dollars every month on diapers, creams and many other stuff - Diapers and Pull-ups cost lots of money. Imagine not ever having to think of buying a diaper or washing soap if you are using non-disposable diapers. That though is certainly overwhelming…
Having your child Potty trained means less excess baggage on your part. Imagine the freedom of going anywhere with your child without ever having to carry a fully loaded diaper bag and ointments.
Save yourself the embarrassment of dirty diapers and experience guaranteed Hygiene- Have you ever been embarrassed while shopping when your child pooped his diaper and while looking for a bathroom everyone could smell your child while walking the aisles? How often have you cried when you went to change your child's diaper and saw that they had a diaper rash? It breaks our hearts to see our children in pain and diaper rashes are painful. The cost of ointments to clear up diaper rashes is a pretty penny as well. With potty please all these worries will be history, guaranteed!
You will be able to enjoy a special and stronger bond with your child now that you've worked together to reach this very important milestone.
You will be able to overcome the “Daycare Cost Effect” – Did you know that most daycares will charge you more if your child is in diapers. Now imagine the extra cents you will always have to pay daily. Fortunately this will be a thing of the past with Potty Please!…
You will be able to attain the most important feature which is “Fully Potty Training your toddler” - When you use my method, your child will be fully potty trained. Other potty training methods will only potty train your son or daughter for pee, not bowel movements, and will put off nighttime training and bowel movements for a later date. You don't really want that, do you?

Still not convinced? Well let me make it easier for you…Below is a quick a sneak peak at what you'll discover in the “Potty Please!” toddler training guide…

A 46 page guide filled with scientifically proven and approved techniques to Potty training. This guide is totally hoax and gimmick free…
Step-by-Step Instructions which will have your child running to the potty or toilet in less than 5 days!
Access to hundreds of Never before seen tips on toilet training that are designed to help tighten your toddlers pee and poop muscles.
How to Deal with stubborn and resistant toddlers that just keep saying no, no, no to training…
First of its kind potty training for children with special disabilities
First hand tips on how to potty train with twins, triplets and so on…It is really not as hard as you think. With this book training two is jus as fun as training 1.
Techniques to employ to persuade your child to use the potty.
When The Time Is Right to start potty training your child. It is not rocket science that if you pick the wrong time, and you will end up taking far longer!
How to make potty training Fun and Low Stress for both yourself and Your Child.

And if you thought that was all you will get then, think again…

If you're really serious about getting rid of those disgusting diapers and want to professionally potty train your toddler, then you just have to read Potty Please!, Well let me tell you what I'll also do to make this the best investment you will ever make. As a way of saying Thankyou for this purchase that you are about to make, I'm going to throw in some free bonuses that are literally worth more in money terms than the guide itself.

Simply grab this "Potty Please!" right now, and here's what I'll throw in:


"Creating Family Memories
(Without Busting The Budget)"

This wonderful resource also comes with a powerfulFREE bonus “e-book” that will teach you how to strengthen the bond between yourself and your family particularly that cute little tod. From the importance of board games and jigsaw puzzles to more intricate art galleries and park outings; there is definitely something for everyone. This e-book will bring you closer to your family than you ever thought imaginable – It will open doors of freedom and family union that most people can only dream of. This $24.95 bonus alone is worth many times your investment, but I will gladly give it to you forFREE to help you get started in building a strong family bond. Believe me; I know what I am talking about…


“Indoor Fun For Kids”

This e-book (worth $19.95) will show you exactly how to treat your kids to the best fun they have ever had. You should remember that a strong bond with your kids from childhood is the only foundation there is to having a healthy family relationship. I guarantee you that there are totally no two ways about it, period. You and you kids need to be on the same page in life or else chances are that you will never command their respect and trust. The only way to gain that trust is by strengthening your bond with them – That is exactly what this book will teach you; it will help connect you with them while basically having fun. A definite must have especially if you are having trouble connecting with your children.

Potty Please! can SAVE YOU MONEY

15 Easy Potty Training for Children

Make sure that your child is not constipated. This is the most important in getting started. Children’s are afraid of the toilet and the whole process of getting in a cold wet small room. If you are not an expert in knowing about the constipation, get them to a doctor when you see signs of them not eating well or change of mood. Increase the amount of fluid and fiber in their daily diet. Water plays an import role in helping your child staying healthy and helping to digest easily. Give lots of water and encourage with praise when they drink. Fiber enriched food for kids include; Barley, Navy Beans, Baked Beans, Split Peas, Oat Bran, Raspberries, Green Peas, Prunes, Spinach, Broccoli, Raisins, Mixed Vegetables, Strawberries, Carrots, Potatoes, Corn, Rice, Apples, Oranges, Celery.

Read children's story books about potty training to your child. There are lots of books available for you get online on potty training. Reading and imagination helps the child to relate to the interesting characters and behaviors within the story and helps them follow accordingly. Offer lots of praise when your child does make some progress. It is not an easy practice but this will help you see results amazingly when you really put in the effort to make your child proud of their achievement. Avoid physical punishment for not using the potty. Stop all reminders about using the toilet. Replace the reminders with the potty training stories you’ve read to your child. This helps as their mind recalls the story and how will keep it in mind when its time.

Throw away diapers and pull-ups and switching to underwear as soon as you can. Do this as soon as you as possible as this will make the whole process faster. Help them avoid depending on the diapers to ease themselves. A change to underwear will give make them feel grown. Help your child get comfortable with their own potty chair. Let your child spend time with the potty. Give them toys to play with while just sitting on the potty with the diapers on so they get comfortable with it before using. Limit foods that constipate such as rice, bananas, applesauce, cheese and citrus juice.

First thing in the morning, take your child to the potty and 30 minutes after a full meal. Read books, tell a story, sing a song or just chat, it helps them to relax. Tell your child to take a few deep breaths while you talk or sing and have them close their eyes. Play relaxing music during potty sits.

And do not stress yourself if they don't do well as everything takes time.

I whipped my 2 year old son

As shocking as it sounds, an unconditional love goes out from my heart to this seed of my body and blood. I believe that only me as the father to my child can and will be able to shape his character and behaviors just as how I have been nurtured and brought up to be who I am by my father, whom I love dearly. Every parent is responsible to their child’s development.

My son is like any other normal growing child with a smile that can melt any heart. He makes me forget all my problems when he runs towards me with a huge smile on his face each day reaching out to be carried in my arms. Being two years of age, he doesn’t care if I smell good or not, he doesn’t care if I drive a nice car, hell he doesn’t even care if I do truly love him. All he wants is my time and I will play my part in his development. From the day your child is born to the first day your child feels shy giving you a goodbye hug in front of his or her friends, is the only true time you have to easily shape them to what and who they can become. Once you let that pass, you have to put in double the effort to gain back the intimacy towards a growing teen and soon young-adult. Child development techniques have great effect on both parents and children.

Never hit your children with your hands, hands are their acceptance of love and not discipline. I whipped my son on the buttocks with a thin cane just hard enough to feel pain for completely going against my warning twice to not touch electrical plugs on the wall. Children’s love to explore and they are adventurous, unlike us adults who grow up to be fearful more and more each day watching other people going through pain and being skeptical about true adventure. If you are reading this, do not try anything crazy that can break your arms or legs and blame it on me for bringing “adventure” into your life. Back to my son, did he stop smiling or not run towards me for a hug the next day being angry for the whipping? No. He hugged my arms to sleep that night. A child’s love is unconditional; treasure it while you can with love and discipline.

Child development techniques can be of many forms according to your judgment of what is best for your kids. The cane will not help you build love if you over-use it but it can surely help you when you want to make your child remember a very important lesson in life. The Bible says in the book of Proverbs, written by the wealthiest man on earth, King Solomon in chapter 13:24; He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him. In the same chapter in 13:18; He who ignores discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever pay attention to correction is honored. I can’t force my son to go according to all my ways in his life forever but I surely can make him understand discipline and accept correction into his life before the last shy goodbye hug. Do your part.

Thank you very much for all the support emails that has been sent in and questions asked regarding my last topic on Child Development Techniques. Hope the above helped in answering a few questions especially on child discipline. More topics on child behavior, child development stages and recommendations available at my site: www.childdevelopmenttechniques.com

Child Developments

Child Development Techniques – A complete Guide

Crafts for Kids - (other sites on the Teacher Page and Student Page)
Free Education al Games and Flashcards
Family Education
Family Information Center- Clearinghouse on Reading, English, & Communication
Favorite Book Lists
Get Net Wise
Great Sites from the American Librarians Association
Helping Your Child Learn to Read
Helping Your Child Learn Science
Just for Parents - great list of sites for parents
Kids Bib
Kids Domain Reading Games
Kids Info
Kid Source
Math Challenges for Families
Math Drill
NY Times Navigator
PBS Kids: Stories
Reading is Fundamental
Reading Games
School Discovery.com for Parents
Sesame Street - cute site for stories and the alphabet
Start Squad - arranged by age level and topic - GREAT SITE for lots of links
Tazzle the Tiger - Fun with Phonics
700+ Great Sites
Tech Mom
Virtual Reference Desk

Finding Books for Children:

Child Development Techniques – A complete Guide

Authors and Books - A database from Scholastic
Authors and Illustrators on the Web
Authors for Children
Book Spot
Children's Literature Site
Children's Literature Web Guide
Children and Young Adult's Authors and Illustrators
Choosing Books for Reluctant Readers
Cyber Guides (Teacher's Guides for various books)
Favorite Book Lists
Favorite Children's Stories
Reluctant Readers
Summer Reading Tips for Parents
Teens Read - Grades 4+
We Read

Information for New Parents:


Child Development Techniques – best complete guide recommended

First Signs - early identification and intervention regarding developmental delays and disorders


Parents as Teachers - helps parents feel more confident about their caregiving skills and also screens infants and children for developmental problems


MayoClinic.com - "What is Colic?"


Myria - Online Magazine for Moms


International MOMS Club


Mothers And More - support for women who interrupt careers to stay home with children




Parents Anonymous, Inc.


Safer Child's page for Fathers


Noodle Soup


Medem - do a search under "childproofing" or "childproof"


KidsHealth - "Babyproofing Your Home"


KidsHealth - "When Your Baby is Born with a Health Problem"


KidsHealth - "Pregnancy & Newborns" - index of articles


Safer Child's page on safety in the home


Safer Child pages on Daycare and Caregiving


Safer Child General Safety


Safer Child General Parental Guidance


Safer Child Diet & Nutrition for Your Baby or Child (Includes Tips for Breastfeeding)


Safer Child Dehydration page -- make sure you stay well-hydrated while nursing


U.S. Department of Agriculture - links to the Food Stamp Program and the WIC (Women, Infants and Children) program




Safer Child Consumer Protection page (product review & recalls)


Safer Child Preventing Abuse pages


Safer Child Crisis Pregnancies


Safer Child Communication Page


What Were You Taught as a Child? - did you learn unhealthy lessons that interfere with your ability to parent and/or to be happy?


Our Thoughts on What Children Need to Grow Up Happy and Confident


· Bonding With Your Baby

· Child Development Techniques

· Bringing Your Baby Home

· Circumcision

· Communication and Your Newborn

· Feeding Your Newborn

· Growth and Your Newborn

· Jaundice in Healthy Newborns

· Learning, Play, and Your Newborn

· Looking at Your Newborn: What's Normal

· Medical Care and Your Newborn

· Sleep and Newborns